Please Come to Maisies’ 9th Birthday Skate Party!

- Main Organiser: David Hopkins
- Contact Phone: 07377454981
- Contact Email:
- Party Date: 28-05-2022
- Time: Gather 2:45pm, Skate 3pm
- Location: Sports Park (Eastbourne Roller Disco) Cross Levels Way Behind DGH.
- Expecting 25 Guests… Confirmed Guests: 0
- Guests with Skates: 0
- Guests requiring skates: 0
- Invites RSVP BY: 26-05-2022
- Refreshments : Host Provided
Special Note to Guests:
- Please let us know if there are any allergies/ special diet requirements.
- If your child is not very confident please be on hand to assist. (or book onto a SK8school lesson before the party!)
- Safety First! If you have any pads or bike helmets please bring them! We have plenty to borrow, but you may prefer to use your own.
Click , for a map of How to find the Sports Park – Eastbourne Roller Disco.
Guests – Please use the form below to confirm your attendance AND ensure you note any skates you may require (otherwise we may not have the skates you need Ready for You!).

Check out the Party Invite at :
The password to the page is: hopkins
Note to Parents: If your child cannot even stand on skates yet… don’t worry there are plenty of SK8school classes between now and the party! Including FREE Intro’s. Also you can visit the Eastbourne Roller Disco and practice there. This runs every Friday 8pm and Saturday 3pm !
Guests with Own Skates
Guests Requiring Skates
RSVP’s are processed manually, so don’t worry when you don’t appear immediately!
Host: Please download and print off this PDF file if you want a paper invite to distribute :)